US and the South China sea?

US sends 2 aircraft carries in South China sea at the time China is conducting a military exercise in the contested water. The US official states, "The purpose is to show an unambiguous signal to our partners and allies that we are committed to regional security and stability".

Claims on sea: China claims 90% of the South China sea.

What does UNCLOS say?

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea states anything outside of the continental shelf belongs to the High sea i.e the area beyond a nation's jurisdiction. 

What does this event indicate?

The US Navy is trying to lead in the South China Sea and has increased it's presence in SCS and pacific ocean amid India-China clash by showing free movement, drilling and simultaneously developing pressure on PLA.

Chinese mouthpiece states:
But the claims seem shallow because US aircraft carrier The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan are quite huge, having displacement weight of more than 1lakh ton which is highest among any aircraft carrier in the world, Chinese one being about 50k ton. So, it's difficult to hunt down these aircraft carriers using DF-21D and DF-26.


Why South China sea is important?

  • It is strategically very important (Nearly $200 B worth of Indian trade passes through SCS)
  • World's second most used sea lane.
  • Contributes to 80% of China's energy imports and 39.5% of China's total trade passes.
  • Carries over $3 Trillion trade each year.
  • Huge oil and gas reserves are believed to lie beneath it's bed.
  • Natural gas reserve is estimated to be around 266 trillion cubic ft.
  • 7.7 billion proven oil reserve along with an estimate of around 28 billion barrels.
  • Crucial for South East Asia's food security because of it's fisheries.


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