Ethics vs Morality

Ethics and morality are perceived to be synonyms, sometimes they are, sometimes they are not. An action can be moral as well as ethical but sometimes an ethical action can be immoral and a moral action can be unethical. 

Ethics as a subject is a part of philosophy which deals with moral, immoral and unmoral actions.
Moral actions: Actions which are considered to be in sync which humanitarian conscience and are accepted by most of the societies or people. e.g helping a poor, feeding a hungry etc.
Immoral actions are just the opposite of moral actions.
Unmoral actions: Actions which are neither considered to be moral nor immoral like drinking water, evening walk etc.

But here we are talking about ethics in another sense as action in terms with morality.

Let’s see a situation, there is an old poor person whose child is suffering from a disease and needs urgent surgery. You are a counsellor of a multi-speciality hospital named “X”. The person has an option to go to a not so elite hospital “Y” where the cost of surgery is 2 lakhs while the cost of surgery in hospital “X” is 12 lakhs. The poor old man can take loans up to 2 lakhs but has to sell his house and other assets to accumulate additional 10 lakhs. The man asks you considering you as his guide, mentor whether he should go to hospital “X” or “Y”. You are well aware of his financial status and know that the success rate of the surgeries done at both the places to be same. 

What will you advise?
Your morality and human values say to tell him to go to the hospital “Y” but your ethics, the code of conduct say to tell him to get operated at hospital “X” since they employ you for the same.

Another story, assume you are an advocate appointed by the court to fight a case for a criminal as a defence counsel. The criminal has confessed to you that he has committed a heinous crime of murder but pleads you to save him from being convicted. The professional ethics say that you can’t and shouldn’t leave the case rather make all your efforts to make it extremely difficult for the public prosecutor to prove that the accused is guilty of the crime charged but your human conscience/ moral values don’t allow you to fight for the accused.
These both stories are examples of the conflict between ethics and morality.


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